The Rocklopedia Fakebandica now has a podcast.
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Main Page
The Rocklopedia Fakebandica podcast launched April 1st! Come listen! Its on all the major podcasting services, and some minor ones too:
Links will be added to the LinkTree page as we get them!
Current Article Count
As of today, February 14, 2025, the Rocklopedia Fakebandica has: 7,183 entries!
6,000 Articles!
The Rocklopedia Fakebandica celebrates the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 with its SIX THOUSANDTH entry! The Greek and Roman god of music, Apollo, was entry #6000, added December 31, 2020. A much overlooked entry in the pantheon (pun intended) of fake bands and etc.
Hey I Did A Podcast
Hey, I was on a podcast for the Not in Hall of Fame website, which has added a fictional Rock and Roll hall of fame, making us the equivalent of two guys who show up at a party wearing the same shirt. It was fun talking with them: CLICK HERE for podcast.
5,000 Articles!
Thanks to everyone who ever contributed, because as of February 28, 2019, we have officially hit FIVE THOUSAND articles!
Read more in our press release here: File:2019 Rocklopedia Fakebandica 5K Press Release.pdf
The Wikipedia Fakebandica; or Rocklopedia Fakebandica 2: Electronic Bookaloo
Hello and welcome to The Rocklopedia Fakebandica! It's a wiki, because there's just too dang many fictional bands out there for one person to keep up with!
Click here to find out HOW DO I ADD A BAND?
Use the search box on the left there, or Browse by YEAR | Browse by MEDIUM (TV, film, etc.) | Browse by CATEGORY
This site is under a Creative Commons license.
Want to add some bands? Email for a login. Post spam or made up stuff and you'll be banned.
Rules? Sure, a few:
- Keep it real. - Please only bands/musicians from published sources. There's plenty out there; you don't need to make up any on your own. Cite as much source information as possible.
- Keep it honest. - Please don't cut and paste other people's work. Quoting a modest chunk of source material for context is fine, just credit it.
- Keep it clean. - Please only use four letter words when they are direct quotes, or part of a band's name, lyrics, album title, etc.
The old, old site is right here, but is no longer updated.
Social stuff
Want to chat about fake bands and generate content for Mark Zuckerberg to sell to advertisers? Like us on Facebook!
Getting started
- MediaWiki FAQ
- Consult the User's Guide for detailed information on using the wiki software.
- Rock Fiction pathfinder
External Links
- Order the print version from Amazon
- Ross, Alex. "Imaginary Concerts: The music of fictional composers." The New Yorker. August 24, 2009.
- Brown, K. D. (Ed.), An Annotated Bibliography and Reference List of Musical Fiction Lewiston, N.Y. : Edwin Mellen Press, 2005.
- Gibbs, John R. "A Bibliography of Musical Fiction." University of Washington, Seattle.
- Whitman, Brian. "Ten Thousand Statistically Grammar-Average Fake Band Names." from: Ellis, Daniel, Brian Whitman, Adam Berenzweig and Steve Lawrence. "The Quest For Ground Truth in Musical Artist Similarity." In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. 13-17 October 2002, Paris, France.
- The Encyclopedia of Musicians and Bands on Film, Melissa U. D. Goldsmith, Paige A. Willson, Anthony J. Fonseca; Rowman & Littlefield, 2016
- Center for Popular Music at Middle Tennessee State University
- The Museum of Imaginary Instruments